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A Brief Introduction to
Systemic Application

The most beneficial method used to treat sick trees.

Forest Trees
What are the Benefits of Systemic Injection of Trees?

The characteristics listed below make systemic microinjections the best approach for pest/pathogen control for trees near waterways, pools, campuses, and public areas. Since universities and hospitals usually do not close, systemic microinjections keep the public safe.

Chemical Trapped in Tree
Injected control product stays in the tree.

Environmentally Safe
Product containment minimizes exposure to soil, water, and air.

Limited Exposure
Product containment minimizes public and applicator exposure.

Better Efficacy 
Injected control products are more effective, with no photo or microbial degradation.

Targeted Control
Systemic microinjections only kill the insects/fungi/bacteria/etc. attacking treated trees.

Wider Treatment Windows
Injected formulations control tree pests for up to two years, expanding the window of treatment.


The Systemic Injection Process:
A tree company, well versed in tree injection treatment, will take the following steps to ensure a good result. 

Measure & Identification – The first step is for an arborist to identify what insect is attacking the tree. Next is measuring the tree. Tree size determines the number of injection sites and the amount of product needed to control the problem.

Drill – Drill holes into the bottom 18 inches of the tree. Buttress roots or root flares are ideal locations. Sterilize drill bits between applications.


Plugs – Plastic one-way ports trap the control products inside the tree, so no chemicals leech into the surrounding environment. The use of plugs reduces the chance of vector disease contamination. In time, the tree heals, covering the plug wounds.


Inject – The control product is either injected with or without pressure. The approach depends on the size of the tree. Large trees require pressurized treatments injected into multiple holes evenly distributed around the tree.


Watering – After the injection process is complete, the tree needs watering. The water moves the control product up the Xylem, setting the trees up for success.

Have more questions?

Tell us about your trees so we can start the healing process.


TX: 325-266-1664

TX: 806-416-9633

NM: 505-247-1682

WA: 206-771-9312

WA: 206-773-8688

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